Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥
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The lang property of the options object passed to Tesseract.recognize can have one of the following values (the default is 'eng'.):

lang Language
'afr' Afrikaans
'ara' Arabic
'aze' Azerbaijani
'bel' Belarusian
'ben' Bengali
'bul' Bulgarian
'cat' Catalan
'ces' Czech
'chi_sim' Chinese
'chi_tra' Traditional Chinese
'chr' Cherokee
'dan' Danish
'deu' German
'ell' Greek
'eng' Enlish
'enm' English (Old)
'epo' Esperanto
'epo_alt' Esperanto alternative
'equ' Math
'est' Estonian
'eus' Basque
'fin' Finnish
'fra' French
'frk' Frankish
'frm' French (Old)
'glg' Galician
'grc' Ancient Greek
'heb' Hebrew
'hin' Hindi
'hrv' Croatian
'hun' Hungarian
'ind' Indonesian
'isl' Icelandic
'ita' Italian
'ita_old' Italian (Old)
'jpn' Japanese
'kan' Kannada
'kor' Korean
'lav' Latvian
'lit' Lithuanian
'mal' Malayalam
'mkd' Macedonian
'mlt' Maltese
'msa' Malay
'nld' Dutch
'nor' Norwegian
'pol' Polish
'por' Portuguese
'ron' Romanian
'rus' Russian
'slk' Slovakian
'slv' Slovenian
'spa' Spanish
'spa_old' Old Spanish
'sqi' Albanian
'srp' Serbian (Latin)
'swa' Swahili
'swe' Swedish
'tam' Tamil
'tel' Telugu
'tgl' Tagalog
'tha' Thai
'tur' Turkish
'ukr' Ukrainian
'vie' Vietnamese