Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥
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const { createWorker } = Tesseract;
let worker;
before(async function cb() {
worker = await createWorker(OPTIONS);
describe('detect()', async () => {
it('should detect OSD', () => {
{ name: 'cosmic.png', ans: { script: 'Latin' } },
].forEach(async ({ name, ans: { script } }) => {
await worker.loadLanguage('osd');
await worker.initialize('osd');
const { data: { script: s } } = await worker.detect(`${IMAGE_PATH}/${name}`);
describe('detect()', async () => {
it('should detect OSD (simplified interface)', () => {
{ name: 'cosmic.png', ans: { script: 'Latin' } },
].forEach(async ({ name, ans: { script } }) => {
const { data: { script: s } } = await Tesseract.detect(`${IMAGE_PATH}/${name}`, undefined, OPTIONS);