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Tesseract.js Video

Tesseract.js wraps a [webassembly port](https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js-core) of the [Tesseract](https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract) OCR Engine. It works in the browser using [webpack](https://webpack.js.org/), esm, or plain script tags with a [CDN](#CDN) and on the server with [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/). After you [install it](#installation), using it is as simple as: ```javascript import { createWorker } from 'tesseract.js'; (async () => { const worker = await createWorker('eng'); const ret = await worker.recognize('https://tesseract.projectnaptha.com/img/eng_bw.png'); console.log(ret.data.text); await worker.terminate(); })(); ``` When recognizing multiple images, users should create a worker once, run `worker.recognize` for each image, and then run `worker.terminate()` once at the end (rather than running the above snippet for every image). ## Installation Tesseract.js works with a ` ``` After including the script the `Tesseract` variable will be globally available and a worker can be created using `Tesseract.createWorker`. Alternatively, an ESM build (used with `import` syntax) can be found at `https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tesseract.js@5/dist/tesseract.esm.min.js`. ### Node.js **Requires Node.js v14 or higher** ```shell # For latest version npm install tesseract.js yarn add tesseract.js # For old versions npm install tesseract.js@3.0.3 yarn add tesseract.js@3.0.3 ``` ## Documentation * [Workers vs. Schedulers](./docs/workers_vs_schedulers.md) * [Examples](./docs/examples.md) * [Supported Image Formats](./docs/image-format.md) * [API](./docs/api.md) * [Local Installation](./docs/local-installation.md) * [FAQ](./docs/faq.md) ## Community Projects and Examples The following are examples and projects built by the community using Tesseract.js. Officially supported examples are found in the [examples](https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js/tree/master/examples) directory. - Projects - Scribe OCR: web application for scanning documents (images and PDFs) - Site at [scribeocr.com](https://scribeocr.com/), repo at [github.com/scribeocr/scribeocr](https://github.com/scribeocr/scribeocr) - Chrome Extension (with Manifest V3): https://github.com/Tshetrim/Image-To-Text-OCR-extension-for-ChatGPT - Examples - Converting PDF to text: https://github.com/racosa/pdf2text-ocr - Use `blocks` output to generate granular data [word/symbol level]: https://github.com/Kishlay-notabot/tesseract-bbox-examples - Electron: https://github.com/Balearica/tesseract.js-electron - Typescript: https://github.com/Balearica/tesseract.js-typescript If you have a project or example repo that uses Tesseract.js, feel free to add it to this list using a pull request. Examples submitted should be well documented such that new users can run them; projects should be functional and actively maintained. ## Major changes in v5 Version 5 changes are documented in [this issue](https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js/issues/820). Highlights are below. - Significantly smaller files by default (54% smaller for English, 73% smaller for Chinese) - This results in a ~50% reduction in runtime for first-time users (who do not have the files cached yet) - Significantly lower memory usage - Compatible with iOS 17 (using default settings) - Breaking changes: - `createWorker` arguments changed - Setting non-default language and OEM now happens in `createWorker` - E.g. `createWorker("chi_sim", 1)` - `worker.initialize` and `worker.loadLanguage` functions now do nothing and can be deleted from code - See [this issue](https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js/issues/820) for full list Upgrading from v2 to v5? See [this guide](https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js/issues/771). ## Major changes in v4 Version 4 includes many new features and bug fixes--see [this issue](https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js/issues/662) for a full list. Several highlights are below. - Added rotation preprocessing options (including auto-rotate) for significantly better accuracy - Processed images (rotated, grayscale, binary) can now be retrieved - Improved support for parallel processing (schedulers) - Breaking changes: - `createWorker` is now async - `getPDF` function replaced by `pdf` recognize option ## Major changes in v3 - Significantly faster performance - Runtime reduction of 84% for Browser and 96% for Node.js when recognizing the [example images](./examples/data) - Upgrade to Tesseract v5.1.0 (using emscripten 3.1.18) - Added SIMD-enabled build for supported devices - Added support: - Node.js version 18 - Removed support: - ASM.js version, any other old versions of Tesseract.js-core (<3.0.0) - Node.js versions 10 and 12 ## Contributing ### Development To run a development copy of Tesseract.js do the following: ```shell # First we clone the repository git clone https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js.git cd tesseract.js # Then we install the dependencies npm install # And finally we start the development server npm start ``` The development server will be available at http://localhost:3000/examples/browser/basic-efficient.html in your favorite browser. It will automatically rebuild `tesseract.min.js` and `worker.min.js` when you change files in the **src** folder. ### Online Setup with a single Click You can use Gitpod(A free online VS Code like IDE) for contributing. With a single click it will launch a ready to code workspace with the build & start scripts already in process and within a few seconds it will spin up the dev server so that you can start contributing straight away without wasting any time. [![Open in Gitpod](https://gitpod.io/button/open-in-gitpod.svg)](https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js/blob/master/examples/browser/basic-efficient.html) ### Building Static Files To build the compiled static files just execute the following: ```shell npm run build ``` This will output the files into the `dist` directory. ## Contributors ### Code Contributors This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [[Contribute](https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js?tab=readme-ov-file#contributing)]. ### Financial Contributors Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community. [[Contribute](https://opencollective.com/tesseractjs/contribute)] #### Individuals #### Organizations Support this project with your organization. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [[Contribute](https://opencollective.com/tesseractjs/contribute)]